My Expertise

What I Do

Esohe Idehen is a Family System Practitioner and  therapist, a Human Capacity Development expert/ Consultant. She derives joy and fulfillment in: helping people harness, utilise and maximise their potentials for profiting, helping people find clarity on their path, she helps people experience a 360 transformation.


Are you losing opportunities because you feel you are not WORTHY enough? Let me help you become a STAR!
–Personal Coaching
–Group Coaching
–Cooperate Coaching

I Counsel

Are you depressed because you lack the self confidence to live your life due to past occurrences? You need ME!

I Mentor

Has personal inconsistencies and perceived inadequacies robbed you of greatness? Reach me NOW!


Get equip with your desired soft skills.Let me handle your training as well as that of your staff
–Cooperate training
–Individual training
–Offline/Online Training

I Speak

Give your conference and seminar the right kind of flavour, Let me spice it up


Get into my therapy session,be it family or personal

My Awards

Don't let self limitation rob you of life's sweetness. Reach me now!

Esohe Idehen